Wednesday, November 21, 2007

easy peezy lemon squeezy

how would you describe yourself to a stranger if they really needed to know who you are in a quick post-it moment? what can you jam in there to capture the essence of who you are -- this specialuniqueosodifferentfromtheotherlemmings lemming?

so here's who i am (apparently)

25, girl, drinker, smoker, bandra worker, chappal wearer, skirt twirler, silver lover, book reader, words writer, less sleeper, too-much thinker, idiot confessor, idea monger, wish bearer, easy forgetter, compulsive hair cutter

who am i describing? me or the woman that little girl on the horsie who rides past office at exactly 11.30 am everyday is going to be? or every other girl in the city whose ever read milan kundera? or who hasn't but will one day when she stumbles upon the book in a bookstore when she thinks she has extra money to splurge on a book she might hate anyway but it won't matter? or the ones who wear oshos and carry sling bags and walk around with quotes in their heads which they forget to pull out at the right moment which would make them seem all intellectual and smart but really they're only all those things in retrospect?

someday i'll be unique and different just like everyone else. till someday, i'll settle for this easy peezy niche.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

in rainbows there is just thin air, and yet we chase them

i get it
i know
i really really do
but how to tell you?

across these miles
you and i
have parallel lives
in this one respect

felt this
been her
lived there
needed it

just wanted you to know.


Sunday, November 4, 2007


don't stop asking why
don't stop being amazed by the reply
don't ever give up on a question
and let destiny overwhelm you
think of color as a miracle
and every new song a new world

even though it comes
with constant pain
and insanity by midnight
i wish to live this way
i wish to die this way