Wednesday, April 16, 2008

pink flower

The flower said, "I wish I was a tree,"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree",
The cat wished that it was a bee,
The turtle wished that it could fly
Really high into the sky,
Over rooftops and then dive
Deep into the sea.

And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it.
And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it.

And the flower
Would be its offering
Of love to the desert.
And the desert,
So dry and lonely,
That the creatures all
Appreciate the effort.

Et le jackalope a dit
Je voudrais ĂȘtre un yeti
Pour voler dans la nuit
Et m'en aller loin d'ici
Mais le yeti a dit
Je voudrais ĂȘtre un monstre marin
Pour pouvoir rentrer dans la mer
De tous les requins.

And the rattlesnake said,
"I wish I had hands so
I could hug you like a man."
And then the cactus said,
"Don't you understand,
My skin is covered with sharp spikes
That'll stab you like a thousand knives.
A hug would be nice,
But hug my flower with your eyes."

The flower said, "I wish I was a tree,"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree",
The cat wished that it was a bee,
The turtle wished that it could fly
Really high into the sky,
Over rooftops and then dive
Deep into the sea.

And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it.
And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it.

And the flower
Would be its offering
Of love to the desert.
And the desert,
So dry and lonely,
That the creatures all
Appreciate the effort.

-- Treehugger, Antsy Pants

1 comment:

  1. This is Heretic:
    Read the following and for god's sake, please send some of your stuff.
    Dear Friends

    Peacock Books, the poetry imprint of Frog Books, Mumbai, India, will be bringing out an anthology of poetry, 'Indian Women Writing in English', in July 2008.
    I will be guest-editing the volume. Urban poetry is the overall theme that we have chosen for this collection of verse. Seventy per cent of the country's population lives in its five lakh villages, but as a nation we are characterised by our big-city dreams.
    We are seduced by its slickness. We are shocked by its shadiness. And, as always, this powerful love-hate relationship with the exterior cityscape transforms into poetry.
    Hysteria, insomnia, chaos, confusion… it is difficult not to become possessed. So, open up the belly of the beast. Share your best city poem. It doesn't matter if it were to appear before. It doesn't matter if you had not meant it for publication all along.
    I am working with a deadline, a publisher with flaming feet and an illustrator; so I would love it if you could send your submission by the 30 May 2008 (to
    Please send a cc copy of your poem to Sunil K Poolani, Publisher and Managing Editor, Frog Books (
    Meena Kandaswamy
