Monday, August 24, 2009

on reading too much "i eat poetry"

let me explain to you
what this has been
the night i had to use the toilet seven times
before i could fall asleep
or the dreams i’ve had
of picking food out of your teeth with my fingernails
these are my dreams.
nothing has been orange since
though plenty has been yellow
do you see how this has been?
horses, pails, grass just cut
dropping like axes in right angles
it has been
watching my ipod die with my life’s worth of music
and “the feeling” coming over
once every six minutes
or so
or imagine, if you can, typing
very, very fast
line upon line, hour upon hour
hair madly falling, a mad diligence
strange colored tears swimming out of the boundaries of your face
and in the background, bagpipes
unrehearsed, a band performs
along with it, nonsense poetry readers
road rollers
and heat rising in wet, swishy waves.
pick a point on your forehead
a single spot
and drill a hole with someone else’s eyes
into the one secret you’re hoping to keep
do you see now
how this has been?
fellow dancer, you do not know
we are still dancing with each other
today, tomorrow, unnecessarily
i gave myself a hearty stomach ache
i have eaten a big breakfast
and now i eat poetry

(eat poetry at

1 comment:

  1. true to yourself you are so much
    do you know there are these spaces
    in which we communicate
    we take away from ourselves sometimes
    to be there in those spaces
    you don't wait and I don't wait
    but we linger
    when I do, I find notes on the wall
    scrawls,sentences, sometimes just words
    like finding when you wake up some thoughts in your shoe that he slipped in
    when he left for the day
    this time I left some words scattered on the floor
    when you visit next
    you will know.
