Saturday, May 17, 2008

if i wish i was a tree, what will happen to the tree?

there's a book missing
from my shelf
the perfect book
i know it is
the one i should be reading
i can't find it
i don't know its name
i'll wait then
for it to find me
for now i'll watch
as letters race across this screen
apparently from me
seemingly for you
who knows what's really going on
behind this mess
whether order or chaos
truth or green apples
could be any damn thing
in this universe
how many guesses would it take
to get it right
to understand
to remember
that some big things
replace little things
that some little things
make up for big things
a pair of socks you laughed at
a switch you flicked on
a TV show you ignored
a newspaper you crumpled
a plate you washed
a morsel you swallowed
a joint you pulled at
a cockroach you chased
a loud laugh
a kiss
these are all things you did
before you left

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