"I really think it's important to be in a situation, both in art and in life, where you don't understand what is going on." - John Cage
life: check
art: check
apple strudle: check
how are these people doing it with such self assurance and regularity?
tao lin, suze orman, socialdesigner, leonard cohen, keri smith, threadless, parag?
i think it's too much of a commitment to put something in your blog sidebar. you add it thinking, o yes, this is something i'm going to believe in for a long time. then you remove it after a couple of weeks. (napowrimo, this means you.)
look petsuites, dogs don't want vacations, even if it's on a resort with a spa. don't try to allay our guilt by convincing us our dog's laying on a deck chair by a pool sipping a drink-with-umbrella thinking, ah, it's nice to get some time off from those damn humans. i know our fucking intelligent humanized animal's crouched in a corner wondering why the people who love her have abandoned her. i know it.
no one's talking to anyone. it's noisy.
am i really faking this?
i'm coming home early. turns out i don't need a vacation, i need a rude wake up call like with heavy metal music or something.
i wish i could just relax and enjoy my screw ups.
everything will be okay