Thursday, June 11, 2009

found poem

Selwyn: so is the white elephant dead?

dramaqueen: yes yes

Selwyn: :'(

dramaqueen: its a good thing

Selwyn: but y?

dramaqueen: he was always in the way

Selwyn: real sad
poets r always obsessed with killing things

dramaqueen: mostly themselves :P

Selwyn: rabs dint kil himself

dramaqueen: rabs?

Selwyn: rabindranath tagore

dramaqueen: ah that rabs
depression wasn't cool back then, now it's so hip no

Selwyn: yeah kinda

dramaqueen: why have you been saying no for so many days?

Selwyn: jus aisey

found poem: "An unintentional poem discovered in a nonpoetic context, such as a conversation, news story, or advertisement. Found poems serve as reminders that everyday language often contains what can be considered poetry, or that poetry is definable as any text read as a poem." --

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