Saturday, November 7, 2009

alma maaaaaater

jaya posted her school song on her blog and i loved reading it like that, out of context, without a conception of a tune, but just being able to imagine what it must have sounded like when a few hundred kids sang it together.

i was in st. anne's. and they made us call ourselves "annites". i learned the term "alma mater" from my school song. here it is :)

come annites gather now
with faith unshaken
let deep integrity
our heaaaaarts awaken
life's journey starts from you
we lift our hearts anew
all striving to be true
our alma maaaaaater

knowledge and love trust
daily engendered
and pace of mind from duty
noooobly rendered
the lives we lead will be
symbols of harmony
and truth we learn from thee
our alma maaaaaater

lead us o light from heaven
brighten our pathway
strength from within give us
to choooose the right way
where in the world we go
let hope and courage show
that we will always know
our alma maaaaaaater


  1. St. Annes, Fort? The school where all the snobs went to :)

  2. nono the snob school was fort convent :P

  3. Dude, only your school song could have the word "engendered" in it! Reeks of snobbery! Reeks, I say

  4. just because in goregaon people think it's a big word...

