Friday, March 27, 2009

here's what i think

there's no point being so affected by how woman we are
it's not about being woman
or man, child, lover, wanderer, lonely, loved
it's about being who you need to be
when you need to be it
and being comfortable with disappearing
when your presence isn't necessary to the process
it's about flaunting all of it if that's what makes you happy
if. that's. what. makes. YOU. happy.
and hiding whatever the fuck will only cause unnecessary dramatics
see? simple.

now go do it.


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  2. Yes yes, go visit Siddharth Mistry's blog. You will like it. I am there right now, I am liking it. Milk and honey, yum yum.


  3. I know somewhere in my brain all that you say makes complete sense.
